A quick summary of how to use torrents

Do you know a torrent client? Using torrents, you can download various materials.

First of all, it is free to use. In the case of the paid version, there are no ads and you can use various functions.

But it’s good enough for free.

In the case of a torrent client, you can easily download it by searching on Google.

Installing the client is easy. Just click and follow the instructions. 토렌트

Once installation is complete, you will need to download it. This process is simple.

All you need is a magnet address or a torrent file.

These files can be easily found by searching on Google.

There may also be sites that collect various torrent files.

If you find the file or magnet address, click it.

Downloads will occur when linked with a torrent client.

Speed will vary depending on the seed the file holds.

The more people who share it, the faster it can be downloaded.

You can easily learn how to use it once you try it once or twice.

We recommend that you use it conveniently!